Neighborhood Info
Live in SoMa, a thriving neighborhood, and hotbed of tech entrepreneurs and professionals. Restaurants, cafes, bars, and art spaces seem to be popping up in SoMa every day, transforming the once-industrial neighborhood into a vibrant new scene. For those who want to live in the heart of The City will be rewarded with hidden gems such as Montesacro Pinseria , the best drip coffee, craft breweries and museums such as SF MOMA. Easy access to public transportation is a must and SoMa is surrounded by several Muni lines, from the Metro Rail to historical streetcars. TRINITYSF apartments are near it all! Find out more about leasing and renting with TrinitySF.

Walkers Paradise
Daily errands do not require a car.
Daily errands do not require a car.

Commuters Paradise
Easy access to public transportation.
Easy access to public transportation.

Very steep hills, excellent bike lanes.
Very steep hills, excellent bike lanes.